A travel itinerary that will take you to the most emblematic of Venezuela, title not won in vain, are the most stunning landscapes and representative nature of this diverse country. In this tour we will visit the wonderful Angel Falls Canaima National Park, the highest waterfall in the world. We go into the forest and the streams of the Orinoco Delta living with their ancestral Warao indigenous inhabitants. Finally we visit the beautiful beaches of the National Park Los Roques Archipelago, the largest marine park in the Caribbean, with its islands and diverse marine life.

Duration: 11 + 1 days

Difficulty: Easy

Destinations: Ciudad Bolivar - Canaima - Orinoco Delta - Los Roques

Type: All Inclusive (with the exception of some meals and airport taxes and national parks)

Day to day program: 
  1. Day 1: Arrival at Simon Bolivar International Airport Maiquetia - Caracas. Normally flights from Europe arrive in the afternoon. One of our representatives will assist you to take your connecting flight to Ciudad Bolivar or Puerto Ordaz. Transfer to the Posada (Ciudad Bolivar) and overnight. (in case of not having a connecting flight on the same day you'll be transfered to a hotel near the airport to take a flight the next morning)

  2. Day 2: Today we dedicate the day to explore Ciudad Bolívar, our Posada will offer a shuttle service to downtown. Ciudad Bolivar formerly called Angostura, is one of the most historic cities of Venezuela , in its colonial center has buildings dating back to colonial times, among them are the Angostura Congress house, the Hacienda San Isidro and the house of the newspaper "El Correo del Orinoco". Another important attraction is its location on the banks of the Orinoco River offering excellent views . In the afternoon return to the Posada and presentation of the tour to Canaima.

  3. Day 3: Early in the morning transfer to Ciudad Bolivar´s airport and flight to Canaima, we will flight on Cessna planes for 5 passengers. After an hour flight, arrive at Canaima Lagoon, where is located our campsite for the first night. We'll explore the Canaima Lagoon for a refreshing swim and visit the indigenous community, home of the Pemón indigenous people. After lunch we cross the Canaima Lagoon by and contemplating its three stunning waterfalls: "Golondrina" "Hacha" and "Ucaima". We will do a short hike to get to "El Sapo" and walk under an impressive water curtain. After another bath near the Salto El Sapito. Return to camp and overnight. Accommodation in rooms with two or more beds. (L / D)

  4. Day 4: Early morning after breakfast we will make a short walk to the port of Ucaima, where we will take a canoe and embark on a journey of approximately 4 hours by the Churún and Carrao rivers to reach the Isla Raton. From here we will start a jungle trek of about 1 ½ hours to reach the base of the Angel Falls. During the canoe trip we will be constantly escorted and surrounded by majestic tepuis and stunning rivers and mountains views. Upon reaching the base, if weather conditions and the river allow, take an unforgettable swim in the base of Angel Falls. Back to Isla Ratón and return to base camp from which we look once more at the Falls, this time from a comfortable hammock. Here we spend the night.

  5. Day 5: We start back to Canaima Lagoon, but not before making a stop at the "Well of Happiness", where we take a bath under a torrential waterfall. Upon returning to the lagoon area, we will have time to continue exploring the lagoon and it's surrundings, buy typical made souvenirs by the Pemon indigenous people or relax in the sun and swimming in the red waters Canaima beach. Lunch and then fly back to Ciudad Bolivar. Transfer to our Posada and overnight (B / L)

  6. Day 6: Transfer from Ciudad Bolivar to the small town of San José de Buja where our Delta adventure begins. Here we take a motor boat to take us to our camp where we stay the next two nights. On the margins of the river we can see "Palafitos" wooden houses and thatched roofs on stilts without walls that are home to the indigenous Warao inhabitants of the area. Arrive at the camp where we will have our rooms (accommodation in cabins for two or three beds) Immediately we will go for a boat ride near the camp to get used to the breathtaking surroundings. Return to camp for lunch. In the afternoon we make an excursion in the "Rio Tigre" to more closely try to spot birds and wildlife. Late afternoom return to camp for dinner. (A / C)

    En la tarde haremos una excursión en el “Río Tigre†para con más detenimiento tratar de avistar aves y fauna, Regreso al campamento para cenar. (A/C)

  7. Day 7: The wake up call will be a courtesy of the "Araguato" red howler monkeys, and the rest of the s birds living near our camp. Have breakfast and take a pair of rubber boots, equipment (available at the camp) for the activity that follows: A walk into the jungle. Our guide will be a Warao, who gladly show us some survival skills and guidance through the thick vegetation. Back to camp for lunch. The afternoon was devoted to visiting Warao settlements and thus share a cordial and respectful to this very interesting culture. We emphasize on respect and understanding, the Warao will show us their customs, their homes, their beliefs and making crafts techniques.We can also purchase an original souvenir and contribute to community economic development. Upon returning to camp, we will stop to watch the sunset and take a dip in the refreshing waters of the Orinoco. Dinner (B / L / D)

  8. Day 8: Early in the morning, before breakfast, enjoy a quiet canoe ride, this time without a motor, to form part of the sunrise on the river with the awakening of birds and other animals. It's a magical opportunity to see birds like the hoatzin and capuchin monkeys and enjoy the greenery and tranquility of the river with the first rays of daylight. We return for breakfast and the rest of the morning will be to continue exploring by motorboat river channels in search of more species of wildlife. At noon we return to camp for lunch. Transfer to the port at San José de Buja to take a transfer to Maturin airport, where we take a flight to Caracas. Upon arriving at Caracas airport transportation to a hotel near the airport to spend the night. (B / L)

  9. Day 9: We must be early in the morning at the domestic terminal of the airport in Caracas for our flight to Los Roques (the transfer service will be provided by the hotel). After chekig in procedures we will fly for about half an hour and then land on Gran Roque. Here we must pay the entrance fee to the National Park and the will be are greeted by a representative of the poada where we stay. Once located at our accommodation, we will be provided with a coolbox with a snack for a day at the beach. The representative of the posada will present to us the beaches and islands to visit and we have the freedom to choose where we want to be transferred. Among the most popular are Madriski, Noronkí, Raski and Craskí. All offer excellent pristine beaches. In the afternoon return to the inn where we dinner. (L = coolbox with refreshments / D)

  10. Day 10: Day to enjoy the beautiful beaches and islands of Los Roques. (B / L / D)

  11. Day 11: Morning free to enjoy one last day at the beach. At noon transfer to the airport of Gran Roque to prepare for the return, it is hard to leave this beautiful paradise. Arrival at Caracas airport and check in for the flight back to the country of origin (B / L = coolbox with refreshments)

  12. Día 12: If you are coming from Europe, this day counts as the actual returning day back home.

Venezuela Tepui, Jungle and The Caribbean. Circuit Pricing: 

On this trip you will need:

  • Passport or original identity document (valid for at least 6 months after entering the country, most European countries do not require visa to enter Venezuela)
  • Swimsuit
  • Sun protection (cream, sunglasses and hat)
  • Raincoat - Anorak
  • Flashlight,
  • Trekking shoes and sandals closed
  • Towel
  • Short and long trousers, light clothing, long sleeves for nights
  • Insect repellent.

It includes:

  • Domestic air fares
  • Bilingual guide at all destinations. Assistance at the airport in Caracas.
  • Transfers described in the program.
  • Accommodation: 9x rooms for two or more persons, 1 x overnight in hammocks in camp at the base of Angel Falls.
  • Drinks and meals as indicated in the program according to legend: B: breakfast, L: lunch, D: dinner.

The travel circuit Venezuela: Tepui, Jungle and The Caribbean does not include:

  • Ciudad Bolivar Airport tax
  • Entrance fee to the National Park Canaima:
  • Entrance fee to the National Park Los Roques Archipelago at the following rates
  • Excess baggage costs
  • Alcoholic Beverages
  • Tips
  • Any form of transportation, lodging, meals or activities not mentioned in the program.


This itinerary may change depending on weather conditions at the time and the influx of visitors. This trip can be done all year round, the best time being from May to January.

Possible combinations:

If you have more time to continue exploring Venezuela, you can extend the trip to the west of the country and visit destinations such as Los Llanos (+4 days), The Catatumbo (+ 2 days), Merida and surroundings (+3 days) Morrocoy National Parkl and Coro (+4 days). Contact usand gladly we will help you building up an itinerary tha fits your needs.